May Day

May Day was Siobhan Hapaska's presentation to represent Ireland at the 49th Venice Art Biennale in 2001

Irish Pavilion, Scuola San Pasquale, Venice, 9 June to 30 September 2001, 

May Day was commissioned from Siobhan Hapaska by Patrick Murphy, Director of the Royal Hibernian Academy Gallagher Gallery, for Ireland's participation in the 49th Venice Biennale. Ireland chose to be represented by two artists in that year, the other being Grace Weir.

May Day is a short film and in Venice was screened in a site-specific installation.

May Day was subsequently shown at the RHA Gallagher Gallery in October 2001 and at Tanya Bonakdar Gallery in New York in 2002.

The Felix Trust for Art supported the realisation of May Day and the presentation in Venice.

The Irish participation in the Venice Biennale was supported by the Department of Foreign Affairs, assisted by the Cultural Relations Committee, The Arts Council and the Commissioner of Public Works. In 2001 the main corporate sponsor was IONA Technologies with additional support, either financial or in kind, from DHL, Nissan, Eircell, Allen Key Fittings, Model Arts and Niland Gallery, RHA, Kerlin Gallery, Principle Management, Language Design and an anonymous donor.

Click to open the website of the Royal Hibernian Academy

Siobhan Hapaska is represented by Kerlin Gallery, Dublin

Click to open the website of Kerlin Gallery

Copyright The Felix Trust for Art, 2004